The Medusa Project of The Hall of Hekate

Love should never hurt and no one should ever make love a weapon of control, but unfortunately it does happen. The Medusa Project is an alternative to most charities, where we assist anyone-especially those of marginalized communities-in getting basic needs met like food, clothing, and toiletries when times are tough no questions asked.

Another component to this mission is to provide a place for those running from abuse or needing help getting out of sex trafficking. All anyone has to do is come to the store and tell an employee the code word “MEDUSA” and we will provide a private area for you to contact help whether a hotline, the police, or another family member.

Lastly, the Medusa Project will also focus on helping raise money to pay to get anyone in these unfortunate situations into counseling services and will implement continuing outreach from The Love Cart to anyone in need.

“Existing is our true higher purpose. To exist without hesitation-to keep existing when it seems impossible-is where we find that we are truly being.”

— I. Aranaught

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