Welcome To The Hall of Hekate

Join us for services held every second and every last Wednesday of the month at Her temple located in Higher Purpose Emporium. 7:30pm-8:30pm

  • We Gather

    We gather together to create and shape our lives our way all the while fully accepting the process of each of us indivudually. We gather to find something more within ourselves and within each other.

  • We Seek

    We seek who we truly are and who we are connected to Hekate and the universe around and inside everyone and every thing in existence. We seek to truly feel connection with and to fully embody Oneness that lives in all things.

  • We Build

    We build a safe space for all humans and all animals, knowing that none of us are above the other and no one person has all the answers. We build a community in Her honor and thrive and seek Her Mysteries, all while honoring the individual paths of each member.

  • We Grow

    We grow together and in our personal relationships with Her and the other Gods we honor and connect with. We embrace these unions with The Divine Masculine and The Divine Feminine equally and find both within ourselves and in this community.

  • Meeting Location

    The Hall of Hekate is located in The Temple of Hekate inside of Higher Purpose Emporium in Fort Worth Texas.

    505 W Northside Drive | Ft Worth, Tx 76164

The Goddess Hekate:

Our Guardian of The Crossroads

The Goddess Hekate is here to help us in all areas of life as we find ourselves at various crossroads, growing into the people we are meant to be. Healing, facing the hard sh*t, and finding our place in this world is what this movement is all about. So come all who wander, all who are oppressed, all who are ostracized, all who are abandoned, all who don’t fit into boxes expected of us in society, all who are just now seeking more, and those who have been on this path for years. All are welcome here and all of you belong.

This community is our family. And you are invited to find your family with us.

The Tenants of The Hall of Hekate

1. We believe in complete personal autonomy.

2. We believe it is best to be kind and compassionate to all living things and property as much as possible.

3. We believe in treating others with respect and that we should acquiesce to their personal boundaries until the respect is no longer earned.

4. We believe in personal growth for our spiritual paths and that there is no wrong way to find One’s inner peace and life’s purpose, provided it does not infringe on another’s right to pursue theirs’.

5. We believe in not making physical, sexual, spiritual, or any other kind of advances unless a very clear invitation has been made.

6. We believe that marriages and spiritual unions are between any set of consenting adults, including same sex and polyamorous couplings.

7. We believe in Oneness-“many leaves, one tree”.

8. We believe that abortion is health care and a human right for anyone that should not be infringed upon by any legislation.

9. We believe that willful deception for one’s own personal gain is wrong and does not hold the values of The Hall of Hekate.

10. We believe that we are our own “savior” in this life and it is up to us to reach out for help and help ourselves through seeking with Hekate in all Her forms and faces, along with other Deities we work with.

11. We believe in polytheism, in that all Gods are valid but may or may not be present in our personal paths. However, in The Hall of Hekate we all work with and worship Hekate alongside the others in our personal paths, excluding those involved in Abrahamic religions.

12. We believe in transparency of transgressions and do not shelter or cover up scandals, crimes, or other trespasses against members of the Hall or elsewhere. Exceptions are made when seeking counsel, but all members of the board are automatic mandatory reporters and will not hide crimes against others, especially minors. This excludes victimless crimes.

13. We believe in the practice of cultivating a healthy and inclusive community for any and all humans, especially those of marginalized groups.

14. We believe in engaging in the worship of Hekate as a powerful Goddess of many faces, epithets, and cultural origins.

15. We believe in giving sacred Offerings to Hekate in our personal time with Her and at the services, known in THoH as “Gifts”. These will never be anything that is to any Being’s detriment or harm and will abide by a strictly followed list of accepted offerings.

16. We believe in the powers behind and working with witchcraft outside of structured parameters by other religious standards and proposed morality. We believe that the workings of The Craft are not inherently “black” or “white” or “good” and “evil”, but are subject to the ethics of the individual and The Hall of Hekate. We believe that it is a right taught to us by Hekate to practice, create, and always keep learning witchcraft, spirituality, healing, enlightenment, and folk magick.

17. We believe in energy healing, prayer, pagan offerings, sound healing, metaphysics, the study of the occult, shamanic journey, spirit flight, spirit allies, and more.

18. We believe that a true place of healing cannot be under a strict hierarchy where only one person delivers messages to the group. In THoH, any member or board member can submit to speak about anything to do with their experience with Hekate in the service meetings, known as “Gatherings”. These will be under review after being submitted to The High Priestess.

19. We believe in full acceptance, empathy, and support of our fellow Clan Members and that this is a safe space always for everyone present. However, each Clan Member is to respect the trauma triggers for everyone else by asking if they may speak on a subject that can be a trigger for some undergoing their own healing journey. This can be any of the following but not limited to: sexual abuse, sexual assault, childhood abuse, self injury, drug addiction, eating disorders, and more. It is required that each member ask the group and/or individual if they can hold space for potentially triggering statements and are required to also respect that they may be met with a “no, I am not in a headspace for this kind of story.”

20. We believe that we can all learn from each other’s journey and that no one path is “correct”.

Many leaves, One Tree-The Hall is for All”