The Story…

Long ago, Medusa was considered the most beautiful being alive, sought by various suitors and even some of the Gods. She has many versions of her story, but this one is the tale that inspired the name of the Medusa Project…

                        Most notable of the attempted suitors was Poseidon, God of the Ocean Seas. He chased after her into a place where she thought she could claim sanctuary and be protected from assault- the temple to the Goddess Athena. But what she was met with was jealousy from the Goddess who blamed her for her attack. Left alone in the temple floor, Athena bestowed upon her a head of snakes to replace her beautiful hair and the curse to turn all men who look upon her to stone. Some saw this as a blessing from the Goddess to help prevent future attacks, some saw it as revenge for desecrating her temple.

                        Either way you look at it, this is an example of how society treats victims of assault, domestic violence, abuse, and mental illness- where people are blamed for their situations even when they don’t know of real other options or where to go to get help.

Mission Statement…

Sharing a space with The Temple to Hekate at Higher Purpose Emporium in Fort Worth, The Medusa Project is here to be an exception to what is typically seen in our world by honoring the call from Hekate Herself as a Goddess who watches over and protects people and children. The Medusa Project will aim to provide a healing space for all humans, provide clothing and food aid and raising money in periodic fundraisers to have money to help people fresh out of abusive situations pay for counseling and therapy and/or financial assistance for any emergency room or court fees that resulted from said abusive ordeals. This is a place of healing, hope, and meaning for all humans regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, or alternative religious affiliation.

The Medusa Project will aim to:

o   Raise money to help pay for the first 3 to 6 months of counseling or medical care after removal from the situation. Including referral services to counseling and medical care. In addition, helping people pay a portion of any emergency bills that arise from abusive situations.

o   Putting families with children in these situations in touch with Bikers Against Child Abuse or an organization like it when possible and needed.

o   Aiding others down on their luck in the community as well as survivors by utilizing The Love Cart, which will provide shelf stable food, snacks, toiletries, toys, clothes, backpacks, water, and more completely free of charge. All of this would be paid for by donations from customers who frequent Higher Purpose Emporium llc and through fundraisers.

o   Hosting events for various groups in order to help people running from situations make friends in a new place and find good people who understand their background. This would be focused in the areas of fun, but also classes for new skill sets in order to help these survivors get back on their feet.

If you or someone you know are in trouble from trafficking, domestic violence, or other abuse, please come into Higher Purpose Emporium and use the code word “Medusa” so that we can place you in a private safe area away from your situation while you make whatever phone calls you need in order to get out of your violent situation. We can call the police, help you phone some hotlines, or even give you a temporary place to wait for a ride to safety. Please note that we do not house anyone nor do we just give out financial assistance directly to those in need.

You are loved and there IS hope…